This June, the Gallery at the Park continues its presentation of “New Horizons,” a woodturning show featuring new work from acclaimed artists.
Jim Christiansen, Jerry Johnson, Jim Swift and Ron Gerton developed “New Horizons” because, although they’d seen many excellent wood art exhibitions, they wanted to put together a collection of new works that audiences hadn’t seen before. To accomplish this, they encouraged established artists to depart from their usual styles and branch out in new directions.
“New Horizons” features works from 34 of the most noted wood artists in the U.S. and Canada: Dixie Biggs, Trent Bosch, Christian Burchard, Marilyn Campbell, David Ellsworth, J. Paul Fennell, Douglas Fisher, Michael Foster, Dewey Garrett, Stephen Hatcher, Michael Hosaluk, John Jordan, Ed Kelle, Ron Layport, Kristin LeVier, Art Liestman, Steve Loar, David Marks, John Mydock, Bill Ooms, Binh Pho, Graeme Priddle Melissa Engler, Merryll Saylan, Betty Scarpino, Mark Sfirri, Steve Sinner, Curt Theobald, Gerrit Van Ness, Jacques Vesery, Molly Winton, Andi Wolfe and Malcolm Zander.
The Mid-Columbia Woodturners, a chapter of the American Association of Woodturners, produced this exhibition.
“New Horizons” will be on display until July 1, and the reception will be on June 3 from 1 to 3 p.m. Several artists will also be doing live demonstrations.
On June 2 at 2 p.m., Jim Christiansen will demonstrate basic turning and design concepts by turning a small bowl and showing how attention to detail affects the final product. On June 23 at 2 p.m., John Barany will showcase various techniques for applying detailed images using an air brush. Learn more by visiting