Featured Artist Show Proposals

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Show Proposals:

Allied Arts Association, Gallery at the Park, is seeking proposals for Featured Artists Exhibitions in the parkside Gallery. Please follow the guidelines in the prospectus carefully to assure a complete application is submitted for review. 

The goal of the Gallery is to select Featured Artists that represent the highest quality of art by emerging, mid-career, and established artists.  

Artists who wish to be considered for a Featured Artists Show in the parkside Gallery must submit a proposal to the Featured Artist Chairperson as per the entry guidelines. Proposals can be submitted as an individual artist, or as a group.

Artist proposals will be evaluated on an individual basis; however, the review committee may combine two or more artists based on styles or mediums for a single show.  If the proposal is from an artist group, the group must select one individual to coordinate the exhibit.


If you have any questions please use the following email address. Email the completed application to info@galleryatthepark.org.